1H-15N het NOE experiments
Set up
- Beware: conventional BRUKER format is not followed in this
I acquire an fid with presat and without presat in a sequential manner
to eliminate any environmental effects during the experiment.
The second fid is written to a second directory (defined by wr #1)
in the pulseprogramme
you need to define this directory using a file defined by DSNAM
- this file should look something like this:
noe 2 1
/opt/xwinnmr/ozzy new
this will write every other fid to
this directory
- set the carrier to center of the NH's for presat and on water for
the rest of the experiment
- this is defined by an F1list e.g.
O 600.130000
- presat is obtained from a 120 1H pulse (p9) @ pl3. Calculate this
- presat period last for 3 seconds if L0 is et to 600 which is nomally
- make sure d1 (recycle delay) is at least 3*T1. 5 seconds at least,
longer for smaller proteins.
Processing with nmrPipe
- I use a cshell script that allows you to process multiple
datasets click here to see an example
- Output is to a directory defined in the script ($outname)
- Both nmrPipe and nmrview format files are produced. Alter as
- Usage is simple if you are in the NOE directory
- <script_name> <1st exp no.> <final exp no.>
- Check the script or ask Mike for further details.